Saturday, June 16, 2012

Let the jitters begin!

It's nighttime here, all day. The stars were out this morning, but clouds have rolled in turning the sky black. The clouds themselves are invisible; it's the absence of the stars that I notice. Two months have passed since I last saw the sun and even more since I last saw living greenery and animals romping in the wild. I'm listening to Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony as I work because I'm craving trees and birds and water and thunderstorms. (I've yet to hear thunder in Antarctica.) Beethoven beautifully mimics the sounds of the forests and rivers; somehow I never noticed quite like I do now.

I've received a great deal of encouragement to continue blogging during my time in Antarctica. If you haven't seen "Joseph on Ice", it is worth checking out. There are fourteen months of photos and stories from my first contract at McMurdo Station. I enjoyed writing weekly updates, and when I left I posted a farewell to Antarctica, which was also intended as a farewell to the blog. Even though I knew I was coming back for at least one more season, I also knew that to blog about life at McMurdo Station again would be redundant.

Instead, I'm starting a new blog with a new purpose! This one is just a forum for me to write about anything and everything. Much of it will concern my life, including occasional photos; the rest of it will be devoted to any number of topics that happen to be in the air for whatever reason or other. I have only two guidelines for my postings here: 1) any and all topics and opinions are fair game, and 2) I will be honest and forthright in what I say. Everything is open to discussion, so please add comments if my words spark a response within you. I'll either reply in the same comments section or address the issue again in a subsequent post. Let me say how excited I am to be blogging again!

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